Stergidis SA cooperates with all OEM factories that supply spare parts for trucks.
▶ What does OEM mean?
The acronym OEM stands for Original Equipment Manufacturers and refers to those companies that produce components or equipment that can be assembled into a finished product and given to a parent company that will later sell these products on the market with its own packaging and branding as its own. (The parent company is almost always larger than the OEM companies)
Let's take the example of vehicles. Most of the assembled parts of a vehicle are manufactured by OEM suppliers. In fact, a truck consists of a wide variety of components, most of which are not manufactured directly by the parent company. Components that make up a vehicle, such as the battery, control unit, oil filter, and many other mechanical, electrical, and hydraulic components may have been manufactured by an OEM company. Very often OEM manufacturers, in addition to being available to the original manufacturer, have the same parts for sale and trade under their own name and separate packaging.
Advantages of OEM manufacturers:
• Have the know-how of the parent company to manufacture the product
• They can mass produce the product on a regular basis
• They can manufacture the product with cheaper cost and the same packaging
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