This General Terms of Use rule the access and use of the Internet site of the company “STERGIDIS S.A.”. The access to the company’s internet site and its use are based on your acceptance that the General Terms of Use have been read and fully understood. Each user that visits the website and uses its services shall be deemed to have accepted all the Terms and Conditions stated in this document. The Company reserves the right to expand, update and enhance the website and the relevant products and services, to update and modify, as it deems fit, the current policy as well as the Terms and Conditions of the transactions by altering the already existent ones. This policy will be altered frequently without prior individual notice towards the users. The Company can, at any time, impeach, alter, stall or terminate the operation of this website together with the availability, photographic presentation or description of any product or service.
The Company may alter or update in whole or partly the current General Terms of Use. Any alteration or update of the General Terms of Use will be posted in the “General Terms of Use” section in the website as long as it is carried out and will be considered binding once posted in this section.
Therefore, you must regularly visit this section of the website in order to check the most recent updates of the General Terms of Use posted. If you do not agree with the General Terms of Use of the Company in whole or in part, please do not use this website.
We remind you that you are solely responsible for the use of the website and its contents. The Company cannot be held responsible for the use of the website and its contents from any of the users that do not agree with the regulationswithout prejudice to deliberate offenses and gross negligence.
Information & Products
The Company is committed to offer accurate, true and complete information in regard to its identity and the transactions conducted through the e-shop. The Company, in good faith, is not responsible and bound by data registered by mistake or inadvertently and reserves the right to correct them once located.
Privacy Statement
The current Privacy Statement and the attached Terms and Conditions of Use of this website describe the data collection method, their use as well as the terms and conditions of use of this website. This Privacy Statement applies exclusively to your private data that you have submitted while visiting the website.
The information given voluntarily by the website’s users is used in order to establish immediate and direct communication with the shop and obtain all necessary answers to their questions and, finally, carry out their orders. The Company does not provide other organizations, or partners not directly connected to it, the aforementioned e-mail addresses or other pieces of information concerning the users and clients. This information is only used for the enhancement of our services.
Data collection, processing and use
Our website collects all the data submitted by the user in order to carry out the order. During the completion of any order application, the client will be asked to submit his full name, address, postal code, e-mail address, telephone number, credit card data and/or the way of payment. In addition, he may be asked to submit some more concrete details such as shipment/receipt data of an order, invoice data or details concerning a specific offer. The website will use all this information submitted during the application submission in order to come in contact with you in regard to (1) the delivery of the order in our shop, (2) the confirmation and identification of the client in any case, (3) the new or alternative products offered by our Company, (4) special Company offers. This privacy statement exclusively refers to the personal datawhich you submit during your order submission in our website and which are safely registered in our electronic systems (ERP Program) according to the Regulations 2472/1997 concerning the protection against private data processing and 3471/2006 concerning the protection of personal data during electronic communication as they are still in force today.
Product and Service Promotion (Marketing)
The Website collects data related to all activities developed to promote products and services.
Typical activities include advertising by sending promotional material by e-mail, by telephone or by direct delivery to the prospective customer.
Also, opinion polls,research and recordings of consumer behavior if they are made for the sole purpose of promoting goods or services.
Any documents certifying the client’s identity remain strictly confidential and are only used by the competent department of the Company. Your submission of personal data means that you agree with the use of these data by our employees and partners for the aforementioned reasons. The Company requires its employees and website technicians to provide the users-clients with the security level described in this Privacy Statement. Under no other circumstances can the Company share your private data without your prior consent, apart from the case that it is required by the Law. In case the users enter into other websites through links, hyperlinks, banners, the Company cannot be held responsible for the terms and conditions of use and data protection applied by this other companies.
In case of malicious and illegal use, if you submit a wrong e-mail address or try to impersonate another client when submitting personal data on-line, all this information – including the IP address – will be sent for further research.
Each natural person has the right, according to the Article 13 of the Law 2472/1997, to object to his personal data processing.
This website is the official website of the Company. All the contents, including images, graphics, photographs, sketches, texts, services and products are the Company’s intellectual property and therefore protected by the provisions of the Greek and European Law as well as the international treaties.
Any copying, analog/digital recording and reproduction, distribution, transport, downloading, alteration, sale, production or deceiving of the clients in regard to the actual provider of this content in strictly prohibited. The reproduction, reissue, loading, posting, transmission or any other use of this content by any means for commercial or other purposes is only allowed upon prior written consent of the Company or any other legal beneficiary of the aforementioned intellectual property.
The names, images, logos and characteristics that represent the Company and/or the e-shop in the website ( and/or third affiliated parties as well as their products and services are exclusively property of the Company and/or the affiliated parties and are protected by the Greek, municipal and international laws concerning trademarks and industrial or intellectual property. The products and/or the names and/or the trademarks or characteristics of affiliated parties that happen to appear on the website are industrial and intellectual property of these affiliates that are responsible for their content, services and/or products. In any case, their appearance on the Company’s website and e-shop does not mean that they can be freely used.
Links to other websites
The website has links to other websites that do not interrelate to or the Company in any way.
The Company does not control or monitor these websites of third parties or their content. The Company cannot be held responsible for the content of the aforementioned websites and/or for the rules applied in connection to, indicative but not limited to, the privacy policy and the private data processing when visiting these websites.
We want to draw your attention when visiting these websites through the links provided by and we advise you to read the terms of use and the privacy policy. Our General Terms of Use do not apply for third parties’ websites. The website provides links to other websites only in order to assist its users when searching and surfing on-line and be able to return to other websites.
Including these links on the website does not mean that our Company advices its clients to visit this websites as it does not guarantee their content or the products and services offered by this websites to the users.
Liability limitation
The Company, in regard to its transactions through the e-shop, cannot be held responsible and is not obliged to pay a refund for any damage or loss caused by the cancellation, non-execution or delay of execution of an order for any reason. It does not guarantee the availability of the products exhibited on the e-shop but will always inform the client, according to the saved data, about the availability or not of the products. In addition, it undertakes to inform the client on time in case the situation changes. The e-shop provides all the content (information, names, photographs, and images), the products and the services offered through the website exactly as they are. Under no circumstances can the Company be held responsible, according to the civil or criminal law, for any damage (positive, special or deponent, which indicative but not limited, separately and/or cumulatively results to the loss of earnings, data, lost earnings, money refunding etc.) that may occur to an e-shop visitor or third party caused by the non-operation and/or the use of the website and/or the inability to provide all the services and/or products and/or information contained in it or by theunauthorized interference of third parties into products and/or services and/or information. If you notice something that may enhance a description, please contact us through the website The descriptions, information, photographs and logos displayed in our website and exclusively used for the better navigation of the user.
Price list
The prices are checked on a daily basis through our store. However, because of the various factors determining these prices, there will be many changes frequently.
We may adjust the price list at any time without prior notice.
In any case, the prices are binding during our confirmation of the order. The prices are all in Euros and do not include the 24% VAT.
The prices do not include the delivery costs and concern only delivery in our store. The responsibility as well as the delivery costs will be covered by the buyer. The credit purchase of products is only possible upon special terms and agreements.
Conflict resolution
We inform you that in case of a conflict concerning the transaction, for which you have already sent as a written request but we did not manage to reach a common agreement, you will have the ability to address to the Online Dispute Resolution platform on the website or connect directly to the independent authority “Hellenic Consumer’s Ombudsman” ( On this platform you will be able to submit a request for the resolution of a dispute. In this case, the Authority contacts our Company directly to our e-mail address.
In addition, we remind you that the Company acknowledges, in good faith, the consultative character of the Authority’s decisions that has not pledged to execute them.
Applicable law and jurisdiction
The Terms and Conditions of Use of this website, as well as those that are still in force and altered by the Company are governed by the Greek Law. Any dispute that may occur concerning the use of this website exclusively belongs to the jurisdiction of the Greek courts and especially to the jurisdiction of the courts where the Company’s headquarters are based, namely the courts of Thessaloniki where the Greek Law is applicable.
2025-02-07 13:46:02
2025-01-14 14:01:13